Subject Choice

An Introduction to Subject Selection

The choice you make is an important one because it will affect the enjoyment and academic profit you can take from your subjects. The choice may also have bearing on the future courses and career path which you may wish to follow.

The choice of options is not always an easy one.

There are four general considerations which may be helpful.

1. It is usually best to choose a subject which you like and in which there is genuine interest. There is a real correlation between enjoyment and achievement.

2. It is advisable to avoid over intensive specialisation since most occupations, further training and education courses require a general spread of subjects. General rule of thumb is that unless you are looking at a medical or engineering field, there are very few degrees which have specific subject requirements (however there are recommended subjects, see below for each university listing).

3. If you have a specific career interest at this stage you should consider whether any particular subjects are required, or are of value in pursuing this interest.

4. Give careful consideration to continuing with any subject in which you have already achieved a degree of success and satisfaction.

Society is changing rapidly and so is the range and requirements of careers. It is important for you to prepare yourself by making choices that are as wide as possible.

ASHS Course Descriptions 2018

An important time of year for all students - but many find it a confusing time. If you have any questions, we encourage you to speak to your Tutor or Craig.

Below you will see some links that may help you decide which subjects will help you be prepared for when you leave Albany Senior High School:


You wouldn't believe just how many students feel exactly the same way. There are so many choices and there is so much information it can all become a blur.

Here is where the website called SchoolLeaver NZ comes in. This website pushes all the buttons and topics range from Studying, Gap Years, Earning & Learning, Job Hunting etc. Then, just in case you are still up in the air about what to do when you leave school, they even have a topic called No Idea! In fact, you really can't go wrong at SchoolLeaver NZ.