Further Study
Where & what to study
Tertiary education here is delivered by a wide range of providers including Universities, Institutes of Technology, Polytechnics, Wananga, Private Training Establishments and Industry Training Organisations.
Education providers offers qualifications at every level - certificates, diplomas, graduate and post-graduate degrees. They’re all ranked on what’s called the New Zealand Qualifications Framework. The NZQA website has details of the different levels of qualification available and where they fit on the Framework.
Another great source of information is the Careers NZ site. It has a ‘job library’ you can use to search for descriptions of what people actually do in that sort of job, what skills and qualifications you need, what you might earn and what opportunities there are for employment.
Universities, Institutes of Technology/Polytechnics, and Wānanga
New Zealand has eight universities that offer academic programmes, rather than vocational.
All New Zealand’s universities offer a broad range of subjects for undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral (PhD) degrees in commerce, science and the humanities. Some universities offer degrees in specialist fields - such as medicine, agriculture, engineering, etc. A number of universities have more than one campus, often located in different cities, and some have overseas programmes.
New Zealand also has 16 Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs). They provide professional and vocational education and training ranging from introductory studies through to full degree programmes. Many ITPs also offer English language training and postgraduate study options, including up to Doctoral (PhD) level. Courses are more vocationally oriented, emphasising practical experience and application to work situations. A degree from one of these institutions has equal status with a university degree.
There are three Wānanga in Aotearoa New Zealand. These tertiary institutions offer teaching and learning environments that are based on Māori values and principles. Many offer qualifications in te reo Māori (Māori language), teaching, nursing, business, health, English language and Māori arts. Wānanga offer many undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, including master’s and doctoral (PhD) level qualifications.
Private Training Institutions and English language schools
You also have the choice of 600 registered Private Training Establishments (PTEs). PTE courses are generally specific to English language learning or niche occupations such as travel and tourism, design and ICT.
Most PTEs provide certificate and diploma level qualifications, but some also deliver Bachelor and Masters degrees. They also normally have flexible start dates throughout the year.
Many international students enrol in English for Academic Study courses prior to formal academic studies. Special English language courses are available throughout the year, and range from four weeks to 12 months.
Students who are competent in English often do short-term foundation studies or pre-university orientation studies at PTEs or universities.