Careers NZ

Making the right decisions about jobs, training and careers can be difficult. Careers NZ can help you and your family make sense of the huge amount of information available to you.

It is our own Government agency that provides free and independent information and advice about jobs, courses, training and careers. The Careers NZ website has information on over 5000 study and training options, with funding and scholarships. There are job profiles, interviews with people actually doing the job, salary ranges, skills and qualifications needed along with workplace demand.

It is worthwhile checking out their Know Your Skills page which can show you how YOUR particular skill set which you apply to various occupations.

Once again, another brief questionnaire, information, tips and activity sheets to complete which are helpful and fun.

They also offer a step-by-step guide in how to apply for scholarships.

When it comes to applying for scholarships, there isn't one set way of going about it. Every scholarship fund has its own processes and requirements, but in general you will need to provide information about yourself, present yourself in a way that makes a good impression, and show why you are deserving of the scholarship.

Follow these steps to make sure you cover all the bases.

Careers NZ has a great interactive site called Career Checker. This is targeted to 15-18 year old students and has been made to help you develop an awareness of your own personal motivators, likes and abilities etc. It then guides you towards taking your first step to proactively make informed career decisions.

All it takes is 5 minutes and it could make a massive difference. Worth a look!

Thinking of Leaving School to go Straight into a Job?

Before making that decision, look at their page with helpful tips about finding a job and the interview process. They also have job vacancies

Careers NZ Job Database is a link to help you identify with what is happening in the current work force. Where are the skill shortages in New Zealand? Go there and browse through them. You can also find out how much money you could make in a certain career.

Too Confused to Find a Career?

Yes, Careers NZ have that covered too!!! Yet another fun questionnaire to complete and it's worthwhile as it really helps to narrow down some ideas for you to work with. Check out Career Quest!

A fun and easy way to explore job ideas.

  • CareerQuest takes just 15 minutes.
  • Complete the 78 question photo quiz carefully crafted by our career experts.
  • CareerQuest suggests job ideas matched to your interests.

Jobs Galore is a bi-annual reference book of over 400 jobs in New Zealand with information about pay, job opportunities, tasks, duties and the skills and training required for each job.

With so many choices, you will have to be able to find something that fits for you.

You can also talk with a trained careers expert over the phone, or if you prefer you can chat with them online.