Events Calendar

Seminars and Information Sessions

During the course of the year we invite during Thursday Tutorials, guest speakers from universities, polytechnics and other training providers, as well as speakers from a variety of businesses and organisations. We encourage students to inform us of specific areas they would like more information on. To do this, please email Craig on or pop in and let us know.

Students wishing to go on to further study

NZ Universities and tertiary providers will be visiting Albany Senior High School students this year. An introductory presentation in the early part of the year is then followed by a Course Planning Presentation and/or assistance in Term 3 for those attending further study next year.

Presentations are advertised on the Careers Events Calendar, the electronic notice board, or on the whiteboard outside the Careers Office in Student Services.

Time and Venue: Most presentations will happen in 3D during Tutorial on a Thursday morning. You will be informed if there is a change of venue. Please be courteous to guests and arrive on time.

Open Days: Information regarding Open Days for different institutions will be advertised, details will be made available as they come to hand.

ALL upcoming events for the next four weeks are shown below. Click on the event for more information. You can also add the event to your own calendar.